Tuesday 15 October 2013

Big day out - Herefordshire

Sooooo, today was one to look foward too :)

Really interesting day, wasn't expecting to get that much out of it, but gladly, I did.

Long day, but somehow with the right people time always passes by that much quicker :)

Just going through the English countryside, I was amazed at how much it reminded me of back home, Serbia,  got a tiny bit nostalgic, even though its been only a couple of days since I left it.

Got a bit scared of the roads, driving on the left side, everytime I saw a car coming on the right, I freaked out a bit, thought a collision was about to happen, gladly it didn't, just something to get used too.

Sooo, the main reason we went, was to visit local businesses in Heredfordshire, such as:

1. Hopes of Longtown, a quiet little country grocery store and post office. Interesting to hear all the problems shes had to come over and still overcoming to get her store on track. Little tip I got from her, is that a degree does not define you, you are only worth as much as you put into making something for yourself

2. White Haywood farm restaurant, little family run B&B, loved to hear that all the work they do, they do by themselves, from the raising of the livestock to the preparation of the food, they hire no workers whatsoever, and living on a farm myself, I know how hard it is and a risk it is to do so, to solely depend on your own labour.

3. Wiggly Wigglers, 2 businesses run on the same property, but nonetheless interlinked. Before I go on, fun fact is that its the crowns property, meaning that the queen owns it, really cool knowing, and they rent the property out, which turns out is actually cheaper in the long run then actually owning it, as it means that infrastrucure investment is a low priority, and it allows for the major investments to be made in production. One of the businesses is a cattle/grass seed/bird seed/bacashey manufacturer, turns out bacashey is a solution to all the worlds problems apparently :) and the second was a florist/worm composting business, main thing that struck me there was that even though the business started out as one thing, and even though that one thing failed, they didnt give up, just turned around and made a another thing work, soo pretty cool

All in all, business that are different, but couldnt be possible without perseverance and a hard work ethic.....

Looking forward to tomorrows workshop, solving some the problems that they put us up to the challenge to :)))

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